Betsey Do

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Pimp My Bike

I gotta bike for Christmas which my dh, Mark, got for me.
It's really nice.
A hand-me-down of 24 gear goodness that makes riding uphill pretty easygoing.
I didn't post about it until tonight since
a) I've been on it alot, and off the computer;
b) Just spent two fullish days taking my GED this week (yey!); and
c) Got the friggin sore throat, lungs hurting, head throbbing thing going around and kinda've been babying myself.

But during the laying down alot, daydreaming comes in and I got to thinking about knitting or crocheting some bike frame cozies. Wouldn't that be so cool? Maybe some celtic cabling round things to coat the frame. Or something felted. More daydreaming to do.
In the meantime, I caught up a little on past podscasts by the Great Brenda
and found this: While the mail brought this in today: . Hmmm.


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